
less air pollution


As we all know by now, air pollution is an on-going problem we, as a planet, need to tackle as a global community.  While governments have an active role in a sustainable future, it’s even more important that we as individual do what we need to do to contribute.

As car owners, drivers, or simply those who are looking to buy a car to use, there are tangible things you can do – right now! – to help lessen air pollution brought about by the use of vehicles.

Here’s just a few ideas…

Consider Driving Less

Whenever you use your car, you are also producing pollution. Even if you have hybrids, they may produce less pollution but they still do. If you can walk or bike to where you’d have to go, consider that option.

You may also opt for public transit whenever possible. Although public transit would also produce pollution while being used, you can lessen the total pollution by not adding to what the public transit also produces. In that light, you may also opt for ride-sharing or carpooling to better lessen the carbon footprint.

Use Your Car Wisely

Whenever you really need to use your car, you should use it wisely so that it doesn’t produce as much pollution. One way to do that is to drive efficiently. Drive at a constant speed and don’t alternate between braking abruptly and gas up too much and too fast whenever you can. In this way, you don’t only lessen the pollution produced, you also use your gas more efficiently and save up on cost.

Also, when using your vehicle, make sure you prevent unnecessary idling. Modern vehicles don’t really need to “warm-up” during the winter. Just turn them on and drive. Avoiding idling will help you reduce pollution plus reduce the unnecessary burning of gas. This is another way to save money on fuel.

Carefully Choose The Vehicle To Buy

If you are in the market for a new vehicle, consider efficient yet less polluting vehicles. This would include electric cars, hydrogen fuel cell cars, and hybrid vehicles. Apart from carefully choosing which vehicle to buy, you should also choose what fuel to use on your vehicle. There are more environment-friendly fuel blends available today. Just make sure your car is compatible with using them.